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Low Auroras

What is it about low auroras? You know, the northern lights that rise just above the horizon and stay there. Living on the 63rd degree Northern latitude (that's like Åre in Sweden, Trondheim in Norway, the most southern point of Iceland and Yellowknife in Canada) my auroras are often just like that.

Northern Lights high up on the night sky are often big, dramatic and a little more colorful. Low auroras are calm and gracious.

It's easy to put objects in the foreground of you photos when auroras stay close to the horizon. Rocks, plants, snow formations, reflections in water or ice and so on. And, of course, my favourite bench.

These photos are some of my low aurora favourites.

Note: Only the last photo is permanently available as a print in my webshop but any of them can be yours. Just contact me and I'll make it available temporarily. If you order berfore April 1 2019 you will get no less than a 30% discount on any item in the shop. Contact me and I'll send you a discount code.

Low aurora over the sea horizon.
Low auroras are easier to spot by the sea or by a lake. Or a big field.

Weak aurora in pitch black autumn night
When the sunwind data is low there can still be auroral activity but it won't climb very high in the sky unless you happen to be very far north.

Aurora Borealis in Finland.
Even more active aurora phases don't always happen very high over the horizon.

Northern lights seen on the frozen sea ice.
If the ice is thick enough to be totally safe to walk on the open sea ice gives the absolute best view of the northern lights. But don't take any risks!

Northern Lights reflected in ice.
Low auroras reflect more easily in ice and water, which creates a stunning effect.

© Nordland Aurora 2025

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