First Aurora Report of 2019
At least one aurora per month. During the season (August–April). That has become my standard rhythm for shooting the Northern Lights during Solar Minimum (the more inactive part of the 11 year solar cycle). Here is my first aurora report of the 2019–2020 season. I don't live far enough north to be able to see them every week. They are for sure active at least 2 or 3 times every month, sometimes several days in a row. But weather conditions limit the visibility most of the time. You can't see the Northern Lights through a thick cloud cover.
Here's a series of my aurora captures from August to December 2018.

Last year I didn't manage to capture any auroras in January. And funnily, the same thing happened this year. So my first capture of 2019 came on Feb 1. (That was close!)
I missed the best part of the show. Saw it while driving. Once I got my gear and more clothes and arrived at the harbour the aurora was less active, though present. I happened to catch a meteor again. It looks like it's going upwards but that is only because of the perspective.
February 1 2019. Finally some green colour on a clear night sky.
However, February could be an exciting month when it comes to spotting the Northern Lights. First chance already tonight, although the cloud cover may interfere. Let's see. Then, both on February 20 and February 28 there are some promising predictions.
As always, let's hope for the best.
This is how the long term forecast looks on Unfortunately it's not possible to make a very reliable long term forecast. The 3-day forecast is more reliable although not 100%. There are factors that can't be forecasted which is why you simply have to take chances when going aurora hunting.